Kate Gosselin is a busy busy woman

Kate Gosselin seen running some errands including going to the gym and a local organic store on Wednesday April 28.

Fully back in mommy mode less than a week after being kicked off of "Dancing with the Stars," Kate Gosselin was out at the bus stop in Reading, PA on Monday morning (April 26).

Kate seen out and about getting grocerys and at Babies R Us on Sunday April 25th.

"Dancing with the Stars" Ratings Dip

CBS) The loss of Kate Gosselin may have taken its toll on the "Dancing with the Stars" ratings this week.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, ABC's reality dancing show drew 10.2 million viewers for a 4.3 rating. This is an 11 percent drop from the previous week to its lowest-rated performance of the season.

Season 10 kicked off with its highest premiere numbers ever, according to preliminary overnight ratings that had it attracting a blockbuster 23.9 million viewers. Experts say viewership tends to erode as the season continues.

Meanwhile, Pamela Anderson did her best to keep viewers interested in "Dancing With The Stars" Monday night? You didn't see her? Well, maybe you just didn't recognize her as she tangoed with a brunette wig on.

The 42-year-old blonde "Baytwatch" star, whose relationship with her professional dance partner has been the topic of some gossip, turned out what judges called a seductive performance that earned her a 22 - the third highest score of the night.

Saint Kate

Last week, Kate Gosselin danced her final cha-cha on ABC's Dancing With the Stars. That she was voted out in week four of the competition came as a surprise, not because she was such a great dancer but because she danced so poorly and was so maligned by critics that it was a wonder she made it that long. But Gosselin, the reality-show veteran, mother of eight, and recent divorcée was bolstered by the boisterous voting habits of her fans, who view Gosselin as the patron saint for put-upon working mothers.

Like another controversial woman, Sarah Palin, Gosselin has the ability to rally her fan base while simultaneously infuriating the rest of the nation. An example of the disparity: when New York Magazine published a blog post on DWTS,one commenter mentioned that while she couldn't stand Gosselin, her cousin voted to keep her on DWTS as often as the telephone voting system would allow.

"I've never seen a story take hold and last this long," says Laurie Goldberg, a TLC spokesperson, who witnessed the beginning of the phenomenon when the network began broadcasting John and Kate Plus 8, where Kate got her start as a mousy brunette trying to raise sextuplets and twins with her then husband. "Anything that mentions Kate gets thousands of clicks," Goldberg says. "I think it's because she is showing her vulnerability. She resonates with working moms because she's flawed. Kate's not perfect, but she's trying hard to do her best."

That's a message Linda Grant, the blogger behind NYC Single Mom, responds to. "Kate really is a mom from a small town. A lot of moms look at her and think 'that could be me,' " Grant says. To her, Gosselin represents both the good and the bad of what it's like to raise kids as a single mom: a devoted, if frazzled mother who provides love and financial stability to her family, and still wants to look her best in the process; and a woman underappreciated by those around her, criticized for both her parenting and fashion choices, and constantly taken to task for stepping away from some perceived formula for what a good mother should be.

Web sites and chat boards like The Sage Way Express, which often generates more than 500 comments per post, and Gosselin Family Fansite are devoted to sharing appreciation for Kate and shouting down "haters" who criticize Kate and her choices. The haters complain that Kate's a fraud for going from frumpy housewife to blonde bombshell, but what mom wouldn't want a steady hair appointment if she had the time and money? They complain that she's exploiting the kids, then criticize her when she's seen without them. The vitriol and judgment directed at Kate and her choices as a mother hit close to home for single moms who feel unfairly criticized in their own lives. "I guess that is why I'm so interested in all this. I dislike it when I see it in my own life so much," says commenter Momsby on the Sage Way board. "It just seems like every day poor Kate is dealing with another social inequality."

Haters castigate Kate for spending time away with the kids training for a reality show, but supporters see it as a way to raise money for her family. "[As single moms] we're forever justifying our decisions to work outside the home or opting to stay at home and care for the kids," says Leight Goldman Balber, an editor at UrbanBaby.com. Moms aren't put off by her glitzy gigs, says Balber: Gosselin has to leave the house to earn a living, just like any banker, lawyer, or ad exec.

Meanwhile, her husband—portrayed as a generally useless lump on Jon and Kate Plus Eight—is now seen partying in Ed Hardy outfits and dating 20-somethings, yet another indignity Kate's weathered in public. "Kate gives a voice to women who feel like they've been exploited by immature men—especially women who feel like they have to do all the heavy lifting in a marriage," says New York City psychiatrist Marianne Gillow. Putting on a sexy dress and doing the rumba on national TV is a sign of Kate's strength, not her shallowness, say fans: "Jon is just one of the many reasons that I will continue to vote for Kate on Dancing With the Stars—she is not the best dancer but kudos for leaving it all on the floor!" writes one mom on a parenting Web site.

"She represents the need for women to be seen and to matter," says psychologist and frequent counselor to reality TV stars Jamie Huysman, Psy.D., M.S.W. Huysman says the problem with relationships in trouble is the woman feeling she's not a partner—that she's discounted. Gosselin's visibility on DWTS puts her in the limelight as a person, reflecting her importance to all the mothers out there looking to matter. "Kate's saying to the world, 'I can take care of my kids, and I can take care of myself,' " Huysman says. "That's a powerful message."

It wasn't powerful enough to keep her moving on Dancing With the Stars. And it's not enough to keep her most recent book, which was released last week, from tanking. And yet among the 60-plus reviews on Amazon.com—most of them one-star pans with descriptors like "disgraceful," "whiny," and "shameful violation"; some of them five-star raves from hard-core fans. Then there are a few who take a more thoughtful approach: "I don't understand why most of the reviews on this book say how horrible of a woman she is and how she is exploiting her children. If anything, this book shows that she really loves them," writes C. Kelly, from St. Louis, Mo. Then, Kelly asks the same question that troubles a lot of her fans. "If you hate her so much, why are you reading her book?"

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Derek Hough: Dancing Fans Live Vicariously Through Kate Gosselin

She didn’t garner the highest scores on Dancing with the Stars this season, but Kate Gosselin did earn the respect of her peers, veteran pro dancer Derek Hough tells PEOPLE.

The mother of eight, who was eliminated last week, embodied what the show is all about, Hough says. “She represented all those mothers at home with their kids that watch the show that think ‘I would love to do that.’ She lived it and they lived through her experience.”

Gosselin, who partnered with Tony Dovolani, received harsh criticism from the show’s judges and was a frequent tabloid target throughout her five-week run. Still, Hough says, she had a good time on the show and everyone enjoyed getting to know her.

“Given the current circumstances she’s in and the press that surrounds her, she had a lot of fun,” Hough assures. “Even though it’s stressful and terrifying, it’s an absurd experience to learn a new skill and rehearse for hours every day and then perform on live television. This was a once-in-a-lifetime thing for her. It wasn’t just a dance show. You learn so much about yourself as a person, how far you can push yourself, your work ethic. She was fantastic.” –Monica Rizzo

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Kate Gosselin out and about on Saturday April 24th

Taking some time for a little pampering, Kate Gosselin was spotted leaving a nail salon in Reading, Pennsylvania on Saturday (April 24).

The mother of 8 did her best to avoid the paparazzi as she kept her head down and headed to her vehicle after a mani/pedi appointment while ex husband, Jon, tended to the kids.

Kate and Tony after Regis and Kelly

The latest Dancing With The Stars couple to get the boot, Kate Gosselin and Tony Dovolani, stop to make an appearance at Live With Regis & Kelly on Thursday (April 22) in New York City

Guest co-host Anderson Cooper seconded Jimmy Kimmel’s notion that Kate should be the next Bacehlorette.

“Are you available?” Kate asked Anderson as she grabbed his wrist.

“No, he’s not!” Kelly Ripa exclaimed.

Kelly also hopes to play matchmaker with a contest segment on her own show called “Win A Date With Kate.”

“Our show makes really good unions,” Kelly joked. “We have a really good track record.”

Kate Gosselin goes shopping in NYC

Fresh off of her elimination from Dancing With The Stars on Wednesday in Los Angeles, Kate headed to the Big Apple on Thursday with bodyguard Steve Neild in tow after a quick stop at home to drop off the kids as it was Jon's custody day.

Thankfully, Kate got to enjoy some downtime despite the whirlwind schedule. Looking gorgeous, toned and tan in a navy dress and heels, Kate was all smiles as she walked through the city after a shopping trip on Thursday April 22.
Clutching an Ann Taylor bag filled with new goodies, she didn't even seem to mind the gawking passersby and looked at ease as she flashed her pearly whites.

A Thank You to Kate’s Supporters & Some Words to Reflect On


credit: Ayna @ imperfectwomen.com

Kate Gosselin left DWTS Monday night “with grace and sweetness.” Although those of us who contribute to IW share this sentiment, these are not our words. They belong to Kate’s mom.

In recent weeks, Kate’s mom and sister have quietly made their support of Kate known. For obvious reasons, they are not eager to bring attention to themselves, but they want to demonstrate that Kate has their full support as she continues her career post “Jon & Kate Plus 8.” A Facebook page was created by Kate’s mom and sister. They were kind enough to occasionally share updates directly from Kate as she undertook a scary challenge – learning to dance (in front of millions!) while also balancing her most important job – mother to 8 precious children.

A few of us were lucky enough to join and post on the page. It was such a positive experience to be able to show Kate’s family directly that she does have many fans who applaud her courage, persistence and desire to provide the best life possible for her kids. Kate’s family has already dealt with so much negativity directed at their loved one, it was really nice to be able to show them a little bit of the other side.

My sense is the family does its best to stay away from the written vitriol so thoughtlessly posted on the internet by individuals who really should know better. Unfortunately, some of it can’t escape their notice and in response to a particularly ugly post, her sister posted these words (I edited a few words in the interest of space).

“All I ask is that you consider two things. One, that you are not perfect either… so there is no room for imperfect people to judge others. NONE!

Two, that she does have family that your words do hurt. You can look at the family as innocents in this situation. You are hurting innocent people. I totally agree that you can have your own opinions. But you need to keep them to yourself. Calling someone names on a public forum lacks grace, understanding, and self-control. Your words are hurtful, whether true in your opinion or not.

Let’s say you have a son or daughter. Maybe you do! Imagine if complete strangers who never met your child began to judge him or her and say outrageously hurtful things about them WHETHER OR NOT they decided to put themselves on public display by their own choosing! Attaching swear words and unkind comparisons and judgments to your child when they never got to know your child’s tender heart, charming spirit, or great sense of humor would DEVASTATE YOU, would it not?

Imagine being a daughter watching these words people choose to say so off-handedly break your own mother’s heart. I experience this everyday.

Are you seriously NOT ashamed of this?!!!

Let’s sow seeds of LOVE, ACCEPTANCE, and KINDNESS into our world. NOT seeds of judgment no matter WHAT a person, in your opinion, has done or not done to “deserve” the criticism.”

Kind of hard to disagree with – wouldn’t you say? I have re-read these words a few times and have tried to take them into my own heart. Certainly those of us who have defended Kate have been guilty too of judging others and writing unkind things. It is a noble goal to try and be more tolerant of others who share different views than our own. Perhaps a more realistic aspiration, however, is to realize that we may have negative feelings towards these individuals, especially when we read their hateful rants, but we can choose the words we type wisely. We can ask ourselves – is it true, kind and helpful – and if the answer isn’t yes to all three, we can think about keeping our opinion to ourselves. Of course, we are imperfect and we will fail from time to time, but there is something to be said for trying.

Now onto the positive! Kate’s mom asked us to pass this along, “Thank everyone for ALL their wonderful support!!” to all of Kate’s supporters who voted for her each week on DWTS. She also asks that we continue to support Kate and tune into her new shows. Consider it done.

Now that Kate’s journey on DWTS has ended, a new Facebook page has been created to show support for Kate - I’m Voting for Kate Gosselin in Life! We will hold off giving a direct link, but a search on Facebook will lead you there. It would be nice to meet some other imperfect women over there.

Imperfectwomen.com will continue to cover Kate’s upcoming projects and we will have weekly show threads once the new shows begin.

Kate Gosselin: My Kids Will Be "Shattered"

Kate Gosselin -- who consistently bombed during her five-week run on ABC's Dancing With the Stars -- says she had a hunch she and partner Tony Dolovani would be eliminated on Tuesday's show.

Despite being a fan fave, they had the lowest judges' score, 15, on Monday's show.

"I had a gut feeling and there was nothing making that gut feeling go away," the reality mom, 35, told Entertainment Tonight after getting the boot. "Everyone deserves to move on, and I had a good run and am really thankful for the opportunity."

Though she claims she is OK leaving, her eight children "will be upset, definitely," she said. "They will be shattered, in fact." She said she is not "letting them watch" her elimination episode, so "they'll be OK. They'll be glad to have me back. I'm thrilled to have been here and obviously going back to my kids is always a wonderful thing."

She echoed those sentiments later in the night on ABC's Jimmy Kimmel Live, saying she was "not surprised" she got the boot.

Before the season began, she vowed to Kimmel that she was going "to win" the show. When he called her out for the remark after her elimination, she replied, "I always believe what I say ... but then, like, that dancing stuff started."

Added the mom, "To be very, very honest, if I didn't have, as Tony says, three other lives going on then I probably could've done better."

"It was a great adventure, it was a great ride," she said on ABC's Good Morning America Wednesday.

After getting voted off, "I was very upset," she said. "I wanted to learn more, do more. At the same time, I knew it was my day yesterday.

"Contrary to popular belief, I really enjoyed my time on Dancing With the Stars," she added. "Tony and I had a lot of fun ... We laughed a lot of times until we cried."

Despite several spats, Dolovani, 36, said he still managed to have "a lot of fun." He said he regretted quitting on her early in the show.

"That was probably about a five-second weak moment I had ... It's a great example for my kids to see that they shouldn't speak when they are angry," he said.

Gosselin said it was a moment where "the pressure was rising ... From that we went forward."

After the incident, she said she figured out how to "shut up and learn."

They said that moment doesn't sum up their journey together on the show.

"I am amazed I lasted halfway, and it is due to my fans and viewers who believed in us," she said. "I will take that with me always."

Kate Gosselin Leaves Dancing with the Stars

Kate Gosselin and partner Tony Dovolani are the fourth couple sent home on Dancing with the Stars on Tuesday (April 20) in Los Angeles.

“I had the opportunity, I’m very, very honored to have been here,” a tearful Kate told host Tom Bergeron. “I love everyone that I met, it was a great experience, and I’m sorry I’m crying, I’m a crybaby.”

She continued, “I had a wonderful teacher and honestly I can not wait to watch the rest of these people perform on Monday nights because they’re all wonderful and they do a great job and I’ve really grown to love everyone. Thank you.”

VIDEO: Kate Gosselin Bounced From Dancing With The Stars | RadarOnline.com

VIDEO: Kate Gosselin Bounced From Dancing With The Stars RadarOnline.com

Kate Gosselin Reacts to Elimination

After weeks of awful scores from judges but surprising fan support, Kate Gosselin took her final steps on Dancing With the Stars. But Kate had star power that surprised many, staying on the show after panned performances and becoming a pop culture fixture. Tuesday night the mom of 8 was finally voted off and said “To fans: Thank you for believing in me more than I believed in myself.” She admitted she was “scared to death most of the time.” But most of the time, Kate was unafraid to show her vulnerability. She discussed her ongoing legal battle with ex husband Jon, was shown arguing with her dance partner Tony Dovolani and endured harsh criticism of judges placidly.And while the comic lowlight of her appearance may have been the paparazzi-themed dance that spawned a million freeze frames, most observers agreed Kate improved every week.

Hee time on the show was marked by criticism from some, including her ex husband who charged her with being an absentee mother. Kate defended herself by pointing out that she is a working mother and as RadarOnline.com reported she pocketed $200,000 for her appearance.

Kate was eliminated after being in the bottom two with Pamela Anderson and her partner Damian Whitewood. When finally sent home Kate grew teary and said "It's OK. I'm sorry I'm crying. I'm a crybaby. ... Honestly I cannot wait to watch the rest of these people perform on Monday nights."

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

SPOILER: Kate Gosselin Gets Bounced from Dancing

And then there were seven.

After a night of performances — from the tango to the fox trot — to songs from movies like Risky Business, Pulp Fiction and The Breakfast Club, another star contestant and their pro partner were sent home Tuesday night on Dancing with the Stars.

Keep reading to find out who it was …

It had been a struggle from Day One for Kate Gosselin, and now it’s finally over for the reality show mom of eight.

With a tissue in hand, she said, “To fans: Thank you for believing in me more than I believed in myself.”

Gosselin said that even though “I was scared to death most of the time,” she gave the show “my all,” and in the end, “It was a great experience.”

Her partner, Tony Dovolani, who famously sparred with her during practices, said, “I know she gets a lot of criticism. I give her all the credit in the world.” — Lisa Ingrassia

Monday, April 19, 2010

'Keep Kate on DWTS' Campaign Launches!

Late-night talk show host George Lopez is campaigning to keep the mother of eight, Kate Gosselin, as a contestant on Dancing With The Stars.

The 48-year-old Lopez Tonight host has said, “America has spoken and Kate Gosselin is still alive! My master plan is working…I tweeted that everybody should vote for Kate and why. Do it for her kids. Do it for her poor partner Tony [Dovolani] and most importantly do it for the United States of America…”

George continued, “It’s your duty America and remember every vote counts and it’s time to keep Kate alive…you are the change we have been waiting for.”

For more on how you can support this cause, keepkate.com

via The Insider

via The Insider

via The Insider

Kate Gosselin Gets The VIP Treatment At Disneyland

There's got to be some advantages to being one of the hardest working single moms in Hollywood!

Kate Gosselin and her adorable brood received one of them at Disneyland in Anaheim, CA, on Saturday, receiving the full VIP treatment and RadarOnline.com can bring you the exclusive shots!!
"Kate and her entourage were being escorted by Disney personnel," the eyewitness says. "They were taking them right to the front of the lines, and as it was a Saturday it was really busy and the lines were long. Some people had been waiting hours in the lines and weren't happy to see Kate taken straight to the front.

"A lot of people were saying, 'who does she think she is?' and were booing her. But she obviously had some fans in line as some people were shouting out 'we love you Kate!'"She looked pretty stressed and tired, but she's definitely a hands on mom, she was holding hands with the children and was interacting and cuddling all of them - it's obvious she really loves those kids.

"She left early as the park was getting really crowded and fans kept approaching her and bothering her. I think she was sick of the attention and had hoped she would just be able to spend the day hanging out with her kids

Why can’t viewers put a stake through Kate Gosselin’s run on “Dancing With the Stars“?

Why can’t viewers put a stake through Kate Gosselin’s run on “Dancing With the Stars“?

OK. Maybe that’s a trick question. How do you put a stake through something so wooden?

But TV mama has support from TV personalities, from TBS’ George Lopez to the women of “The View.”

Sherri Shepherd showed off a Team Kate T-shirt this morning. “Try to help you girl, ’cause I keep remembering the eight children,” Shepherd said.

Elisabeth Hasselbeck supported Gosselin’s run because TV mama can make reportedly $250,000 in eight weeks.

Over on TBS’ “Lopez Tonight,” Lopez campaigns for Gosselin on Mondays: ”America has spoken and Kate Gosselinis still alive! My master plan is working. … I tweeted that everybody should vote for Kate and why. Do it for her kids. Do it for her poor partner, Tony [Dovolani], and most importantly, do it for the United States of America… It’s your duty America and remember every vote counts and it’s time to keep Kate alive. … You are the change we have been waiting for.”

Do it for her children? Oh, brother. Gosselin should be kicked to the curb because she’s the worst dancer. She’s bringing the show down. What do you think?

Kate Gosselin Needs Some Chicken Soup for Her Soul

I am sick and tired of watching Kate Gosselin be miserable on "Dancing With the Stars." I wanted so much to like her on this show. She is fascinating, with beautiful kids, and after the past year, I wanted something good to happen for her.

But in the end, "DWTS" is the last place she should be.

That said, she is there, and so we need to help her. It’s not too late to turn it all around, Kate. You are doing the best you can, and we get it. You need to be happy, though, wweetie. I am sure you are sad, but it is translating into miserable on television, and that is not helping you.

I’ve had a change of heart about you Kate. I have been, on a completely different level, where you are. I got divorced when my son was a baby and it was hard. I remember when my ex-husband started dating, which was about 5 minutes after I left, and it was crushing.

It takes time to get over the loss of a marriage, and you have not allowed yourself to do that. You jumped into the enormous challenge of making money, to support your family. I understand your choices, and support them. However, you can’t take care of your kids if you don’t take care of yourself.

You need a hug. Not from your agent, or publicist, or anyone who is getting paid because of you. You need a friend to hug you. You need to feel supported and loved.

Allow yourself to cry. Don’t cry about what you’re going through, or what you have to overcome. Cry for what you’ve lost.

Take a moment to grieve. There are millions of women who have been where you are, Kate. We feel for you. We are all sending you hugs and support. All you need to do is find someone to hug you, with no agenda or obligation. We will send our hugs to you, through that person, and you will feel the love.

Crying will set you free. Don’t cry in front of the camera. Don’t cry in front of your kids. Crawl into bed, with a bottle of wine and a pint of ice cream, and just cry. Watch "Bridget Jones’s Diary," both one and two, eat your ice cream, have a drink, cry like a baby and go to sleep.

When you wake up, leave all your tears behind and put all your energy into dancing.

You are stiff and scared on "DWTS." Maybe it’s hard for you because you know we are all judging you. It would make anyone nervous. The thing is, when you forget about all of us, and dance for only your kids, you will get better.

Viewers are keeping you on "DWTS" for a reason. We want you to do well, and we want to like you.

Have a bowl of matzo ball soup. It will make you feel better. There is something about chicken soup that will simply ease your soul. I can’t explain it, so you’ll just have to trust that it will help.

After you have gotten a hug, had a good cry and enjoyed the magical Jewish potion that is matzo ball soup, turn around so I can kick you in the ass! Listen to me, Kate Gosselin: Regardless of the crap that people say about you, or blog about you, myself included, none of it matters.

You are strong. You have eight delicious and divine children who love you. Your marriage ended, the whole world got to see it happen, and that’s a drag. You have been dealt a horrible deck of cards. Your ex-husband is a douchelord, and regardless of why your marriage ended, he has been unkind.

Pick yourself up, and make a great life for your kids and yourself. Every time something good happens for you, it happens for every woman who has ever had her heart broken by a man she loved. It’s all rather dramatic, I suppose, but who cares? They can label us all as bitter, divorced hags, and that’s OK.

I have been divorced for 13 years, but there is still a small part of me that resents the hell out of my ex-husband for moving on so quickly, while I was left to care for our child on my own. I imagine that all divorced moms have that feeling on some level.

I have been unkind to you in this blog. I don’t take back what I’ve said, because when I said it, it was my truth. What I’m saying now is that I get it. I am viewing you through the eyes of a single mother, not those of a fan of "Dancing With the Stars."

Smile, Kate. Be your funny, charming self. Fix this.

Ingratiate yourself with the American public, and it won’t matter that you are not the best dancer. It will only matter that you are there, and trying.

Know that you are making your kids proud. Trust yourself. We wish you well.


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Kate Gosselin’s Kids Want Her on Dancing with the Stars

As tough as it’s been for Kate Gosselin to please the Dancing with the Stars judges, she says there are no downsides to joining the show.

“There were no cons,” she told Ryan Seacrest Monday during an interview on his 102.7 KIIS FM radio show. “I figured they’ll whip my body into shape when I needed it. The pros were — I still don’t know how to dance, but I was hoping I would learn how to dance.”

Despite consistently low scores from the panel, Gosselin has managed to escape elimination. The same cannot be said, however, about the occasional clash with her partner, Tony Dovolani.

“That’s the law across the board with all dancers,” she told Seacrest of her and Dovolani’s spats. “I asked for somebody who would push me really, really hard because I need that. I have a lot of distraction in my life … We can’t just dance we have to dance with all the drama.”

Though she says she’d trade places with her babysitter “in a micro-millisecond” to be home with her kids rather than learning to tango, Gosselin faces the same dilemma as other single moms. “You have to be at work because you have to provide for your kids,” she says, “but really my heart is at home with them.”

Luckily, her eight children support her decision to do Dancing. “This is the first and only thing I have ever done that my kids care about,” Gosselin said. “It pushes me on to do better, to stay on the show, to get voted through because, honestly, they count down the days until Monday.”

And Gosselin is sharing the experience with another working mom on the show — her competitor, Pamela Anderson. “We sit in the hair and makeup chair next to each other and talk about our kids. She’s awesome,” she says. “I have gotten to know the Pam that is just a mom that drops her kids off at school. She’s given me advice about what it’s like to be a single mom.”

See Kate dance tonight when DWTS airs (8 p.m. EST) on ABC. –Catherine Donaldson-Evans

Kate Gosselin on Her Custody Battle: 'Days Can Be Dark'

Kate Gosselin faces a bitter custody battle over her eight children with estranged husband Jon Gosselin, but she tells our own Mary Hart that she hopes for a peaceful resolution - and banks on her faith to see her through this difficult time.

"My faith has always been the reason that I can get up in the morning; that I can continue on; it's the reason I had my kids," she tells Mary. "Days can be dark. Days can be very depressing and upsetting and frustrating, but I can rest back and do the best that I can do in the things that I can do and leave the rest to Him."

Kate will face Jon in court on May 25. He claims that her involvement with "Dancing with the Stars" has affected her duties as a mother. She argues that she is simply doing what she needs to do as the main financial supporter of her children.

"I'm here [in L.A.] three days and I'm home the rest of the week," says Kate. "Custody is balanced back and forth. Typically Jon is with the kids when I'm here. I look at it as a humongously wonderful opportunity -- and it's a great way to provide for my kids."

Kate says that the kids get to watch her work hard on the dance floor each week on TV.

"They are allowed to stay up late and eat popcorn and watch mommy dance," she says. "And so they always say the same thing, 'You looked beautiful! I loved your dress! Tony looked really good and you did a good job!'"

Kate has written a new book for her kids, I Just Want You to Know: Letters To My Kids on Love, Faith, and Family, in stores now, and she tells Mary, "I would love to leave my kids a legacy through that book. If the book doesn't sell one copy, I am happy to leave it for my kids and that was my whole goal."
From her struggles and triumphs on "Dancing with the Stars" to her bitter custody battle with Jon Gosselin for her eight children, nothing is off-limits as Kate Gosselin talks to our own Mary Hart -- and co-hosts tonight's show!

First off, does Kate actually feel that she could lose custody of her children?

"I'm a mom. I belong with my kids, and I feel like there's a peaceful resolution," Kate tells Mary. "As quiet as I can keep it, that's my goal for the kids."

"You know, I don't think of worst-case scenarios in any situation," she continues, adding with a laugh, "Um, okay, maybe in 'Dancing' I do -- I could be voted off at any time -- but you know what, keep positive, and my heart is with my kids."

The reality mom and best-selling author has a new book in stores now, I Just Want You to Know: Letters To My Kids on Love, Faith, and Family, chronicling the three years her family lived in their Elizabethtown, PA home and the daily challenges faced raising a family of eight growing children.

"Because of everything we've gone through in the last few years, I wanted my kids to know," she explains. "I just wanted them to know, which is where the title came from, how much I love them, how much they mean to me, and why do moms wait 'til they're diagnosed with cancer or something like that to write letters to their kids? Why can't we all do it now?"

Asked if she has any regrets with her relationship with Jon, she replies, "I think anybody who ends up in a divorce has regrets. I regret that we couldn't work it out for the sake of the kids, but it has caused me to refocus on how very much I love my kids."

As for that admitted "hard exterior" she exhibits at times, Kate explains, "Being a mom of eight kids who has gone through a lot of tough times, sometimes that is maybe a coping mechanism for me, and sometimes it's because I have to be that old-time strict mom. … But my kids see through to the heart of me, and really on the inside I'm just a mushy gooshy ball of love towards them."

Dancing's Aiden Turner: I Was Hoping Kate Would Go Before Me

Former All My Children hunk Aiden Turner was the third casualty on Dancing with the Stars — an elimination that came as a surprise to him.

"I felt maybe a little cheated," he tells TVGuide.com. "Niecy [Nash]'s doing a great job. Kate [Gosselin]'s really trying. We're all trying. But I really hoped and thought that I could've stayed in that competition another couple of weeks."

So who does he think should have been bounced?

"I was hoping [Kate] would go before me!" he laughs. "She's a sweetheart, but I'd rather her go out than me. 'Hey, go home! Get out!' She's a very popular girl. She's on the cover of all the magazines. She's got a lot of fans out there that are supporting her. At the same time, maybe I should've shown more cleavage. Maybe that's what I did wrong."

The disappointment is greater because Turner and his partner, Edyta Sliwinska, got their music for next week's movie-themed dances backstage minutes before their elimination. The pair would have done a paso doble to "Gonna Fly Now" from Rocky.

"I was going to have a black robe with gold all around. I was going to come out and do the punch-action moves, take off [the robe] and use it like in a bullfight," he says. "The paso is such a fun dance; there's more character. I was really looking forward to doing it."

Instead, the 33-year-old Brit will watch his former competitors take the floor and see if his predictions for the rest of the season play out. Though he would've rather seen Gosselin leave this week, he's not predicting the mother of eight will get eliminated next week.

"I'm thinking ... it's going to be the Bachelor, Jake [Pavelka], who's a great guy — I like him a lot — but I think Jake or Niecy is going to go next," Turner says. "And then Kate, and then Erin [Andrews], and then Chad [Ochocinco]."

That would leave a final three of Nicole Scherzinger, Evan Lysacek and Pamela Anderson, who the actor thinks has a "really good shot" of taking the Mirrorball.

"But I want Nicole to win. Evan's a great guy. He's so talented. It's almost like it comes so easy for him. He [dances with] broken toes!" Turner says. "He won a gold medal, so give [the Mirrorball] to Nicole. Let her win!"

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Kate Gosselin: 'I Won't Lose My Kids'

This is one dance Kate Gosselin has grown tired of.

As she prepares to promote her book, I Just Want You to Know: Letters to My Kids on Love, Faith and Family, and competes on Dancing with the Stars, the mom of eight is facing another fight with ex-husband Jon Gosselin over custody and child support.

But as much as she dreads another round of legal skirmishes, she says that fear is playing no role.

"I'm not afraid I'll lose my kids," she tells PEOPLE in this week's issue, on newsstands Friday. "I won't lose my kids. We're glued together, as a package, and nothing, nothing, will stop me from being with my kids."

"A law?" she continues, "Yeah, right. Don't mess with me when it comes to my kids. You are never, ever going to win."

Claiming she's not spending enough time with her children because of her work demands, Jon is seeking primary custody – which Kate now has – and a re-evaluation of the $21,000 in monthly support payments he's ordered to make.

Kate is opposing that, but doesn't want a war with her ex for the sake of the children. "I want nothing more than for [Jon] to set up a stable life for himself," she says, "so that he can be part of making our kids' lives more stable."

Kate Gosselin On Inside Edition

Kate Gosselin in tears. In an INSIDE EDITION exclusive, Kate breaks down as she speaks about the toll Dancing With The Stars has taken on her because she's forced to be away from her eight kids in Pennsylvania.

"I tell my babysitter all the time I wish I was you. I wish I had your job," said Gosselin.

She continued, "My job takes me away from them and it's not easy to let somebody else pick them up from the bus stop. It's hard. It's really hard."

Usually after Dancing With the Stars is wrapped for the week, Kate takes a red-eye flight home. But this week, she's promoting her new book, I Just Want You To Know.

INSIDE EDITION's Jim Moret asked Gosselin, "What do you want people to know about you after they read this book?"

"That I am a mom with a really really huge heart, and that I'm not the monster that I'm painted to be," said Gosselin.

When Kate arrived at our Los Angeles studios she was smiling on the surface, but seething inside.

Just hours earlier, across the country, her brother and sister-in-law went before child labor officials claiming Kate's kids were exploited during filming of Jon and Kate Plus Eight.

Moret asked, "Do you feel at all betrayed by your brother for prompting that hearing?"

Um, I do actually, because he has four children of his own and spending time in court and gallivanting to New York to complain about me, couldn't he be at home with his kids?" said Gosselin.

Her brother Kevin complained specifically about the infamous "potty training" episode. But Kate tells INSIDE EDITION that episode was actually filmed at her brother's house.

"He knows the truth and they've made a lot of money on going out and complaining about us," said Gosselin.

Moret asked, "Made money on you?"

"Oh yeah. Oh yeah. And I guess the money has run out because they are out complaining again. The truth is, I haven't allowed them to see my kids for two years," said Gosselin.

And there's more drama as Jon fights for full custody of the kids, claiming Kate is an absentee mom.

"I'm not an absentee mom. I'm on the phone, texting back and forth with whoever is taking care of my kids," said Gosselin.

Moret asked, "Do you have concerns about the custody issue?"

"Honestly, in my heart, I know it will work out to their benefit. I think the part I'm focusing on right now is why did this have to go to court because we were doing really well just handling it amongst ourselves. Of all the things I could say, I can say that was the really civil part of it," said Gosselin.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tuesday’s Dancing: What You Didn’t See

AWAY FROM HOME: After an emotional goodbye to soap star Aiden Turner on Tuesday’s show, Kate Gosselin and partner Tony Dovolani told PEOPLE they have found more than their tango to bond over: It’s difficult for both to be away from their kids. Dovolani says that traveling between L.A. and Pennsylvania, where Gosselin lives and rehearses, has meant that he only sees his daughter Luana, 4, and twins Adrian and Ariana, 2, for a couple of hours a week. “It’s not easy,” says the dancer, whose wife Lina stays at home in Connecticut. “I can talk to my daughter on the phone … I don’t quite understand all the conversations we have, but as long as she hears my voice, she’s knows I’m there.” The silver lining: parents who sympathize may be key to their success. “I think it’s moms and women,” Gosselin says of their supporters. “The fan base is [ages] 2 to 102. I imagine it’s people who believe in me more than I believe in myself. And the people who think Tony is good looking and love his abs!”

Mary's In-Depth Kate Gosselin Interview!

From her struggles and triumphs on "Dancing with the Stars" to her bitter custody battle with Jon Gosselin for her eight children, nothing is off-limits as Kate Gosselin talks to our own Mary Hart -- and co-hosts tonight's show!

First off, does Kate actually feel that she could lose custody of her children?

"I'm a mom. I belong with my kids, and I feel like there's a peaceful resolution," Kate tells Mary. "As quiet as I can keep it, that's my goal for the kids."

You know, I don't think of worst-case scenarios in any situation," she continues, adding with a laugh, "Um, okay, maybe in 'Dancing' I do -- I could be voted off at any time -- but you know what, keep positive, and my heart is with my kids."

The reality mom and best-selling author has a new book in stores now, I Just Want You to Know: Letters To My Kids on Love, Faith, and Family, chronicling the three years her family lived in their Elizabethtown, PA home and the daily challenges faced raising a family of eight growing children.

"Because of everything we've gone through in the last few years, I wanted my kids to know," she explains. "I just wanted them to know, which is where the title came from, how much I love them, how much they mean to me, and why do moms wait 'til they're diagnosed with cancer or something like that to write letters to their kids? Why can't we all do it now?"

Asked if she has any regrets with her relationship with Jon, she replies, "I think anybody who ends up in a divorce has regrets. I regret that we couldn't work it out for the sake of the kids, but it has caused me to refocus on how very much I love my kids."

As for that admitted "hard exterior" she exhibits at times, Kate explains, "Being a mom of eight kids who has gone through a lot of tough times, sometimes that is maybe a coping mechanism for me, and sometimes it's because I have to be that old-time strict mom. … But my kids see through to the heart of me, and really on the inside I'm just a mushy gooshy ball of love towards them."

Watch ET for more with Kate Gosselin!

Kate Gosselin Talks Jon, Dating & Whether She’ll Love Again

LOS ANGELES, Calif. --

Kate Gosselin stopped by Access Hollywood on Wednesday for a brand new, sit down interview with Billy Bush, where she opened up her new book, “I Just Want You to Know: Letters To My Kids on Love, Faith and Family.”

“You take a little ownership in the book of the marriage falling apart with Jon [Gosselin],” Billy began. “You take a little ownership saying, ‘I, at times, was a spoiled brat.’ Have you heard any feedback from him on the book?”

“No,” Kate said. “I don’t know that Jon has read the book and I think that everybody whose marriage eventually falls apart has to take or should take ownership to a degree.”

Kate and ex-husband Jon’s relationship has been tumultuous at best in the 10 months since announcing their separation. Despite all the accusations by Jon of her poor parenting, Kate has never publicly uttered a negative word about him.”

“How important is it to you to speak well of him?” Billy asked.

“It is not my job to cloud my kids’ opinion one way or another,” Kate said. “He is their father regardless and I need to conduct myself appropriately.”

However, is there any chance Kate would ever consider getting back together with Jon?

People say it all the time, ‘For the children. Stay together for the children.’ Any chance that you and Jon would reconcile for the children?” Billy asked.

Sadly, I have to say that we have gone in different directions and I don’t want out of life what he wants,” she said. “In our situation, it is healthiest we are not under the same roof.”

When asked if a lucrative deal came along and Jon was involved in her show, would she work with him, Kate said she makes her decisions regardless of monetary reasons.

“Money will never sway me to change my convictions,” she told Billy.

With her new single mom transformation, Kate is smoking hot. At 35, however, is she ready to date again?

“When is the last time you’ve been on a date?” Billy asked.

“Before I was married,” she revealed.

“So the last date would be [with] Jon slipping away somewhere?” Billy asked.

“Yeah,” Kate said. “I don’t really have time. I don’t believe there is someone out there who can handle my baggage that’s too heavy to lift. I’m married to my kids and my career.”

When asked if she would consider “friends with benefits,” Kate said no way.

“No, honestly, I don’t believe there is anyone out there,” she said.

No more children are in her future either.

“If you meet the right guy and he’s like, ‘I don’t have any yet?” Billy asked

“Then that’s the wrong guy,” she said.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sneak Peek: Kate Gosselin to Co-Host ET

She's one of the most misunderstood moms on TV, but now she's ready to set the record straight! Reality star Kate Gosselin will join our own Mary Hart on the ET stage Wednesday to co-host and give her most revealing interview, with nothing off limits!

Think you know Kate -- think again! Watch her revealing new interview on tomorrow's ET!

Kate Gosselin Has a "Mini-Breakthrough" on iDancing With the Stars/i

Kate Gosselin Has a "Mini-Breakthrough" on iDancing With the Stars/i

Judge Carrie Ann Inaba said, “I am proud of you. You may not have ability but you have determination.” Bruno Tonioli added, “We had a mini breakthrough this evening. At one point, I believed you were dancing.”

Kate Gosselin 'Addicted' to Dancing and 'On Fire'

Kate Gosselin was glowing with pride for making it through her routine on Monday night's "Dancing with the Stars." The mom of eight's performance-ready smile was wiped off her face during rehearsals, when she learned that ex-husband Jon Gosselin had filed for custody of their children

ET was with Kate Gosselin this week as she prepared for "Dancing with the Stars" and stood strong, despite her ex-husband Jon filing child custody papers.

"What doesn't kill you always makes you stronger and I havent died yet so that's good," Kate told ET bravely, with a laugh.

Kate's attorney tells ET he feels Jon's filing is "defective" and is preparing his own response. Kate is dancing to provide income for her kids and will soon headline her own new series on TLC titled "Twist of Kate," and will also star in special new episodes of "Kate Plus 8."

She tells ET her dancing experience has taught her she can be with her children and have a career: "Coming off this, I really should be able to do anything, because If I can find four to six hours a day for dancing, once this goes away, I mean there's nothing I can't fit into my day."

And when it comes to facing the "Dancing with the Stars" judges' critcism, Kate says, "That's the easiest thing of it, I don't really. I take their constructive part and I don't really remember what they say."

For more, watch our video!

Kate Gosselin: I'm Not Choosing Fame Over My Kids

Kate Gosselin on The Today Show

Responding to her ex-husband's accusations that she's an absentee parent, Kate Gosselin says she has no choice but to work, which takes her away from her eight kids – but that she tries to make every moment with them count that much more.

"I've got to work harder now than ever because I am a single mom," the former Jon & Kate Plus 8 star, 35, said Tuesday on NBC's Today show. "In my heart I'm always in my kitchen, baking and cooking for my kids, and I'll always be there. It's a struggle to be here [in New York], to be anywhere. The emotion that you see is because I would rather be at home with them."

But that's not always possible, she says. "I have to work. I have to provide for them. And it's a struggle that every working mom, especially single moms, go through, and I'm really feeling it now, and it's really hard.

The best she can do, Gosselin says, is carve out as much time with them as possible. She says she leaves Los Angeles, where Dancing With the Stars is filmed, every week to spend time in Pennsylvania.

"If I had 24 hours a day seven days a week with eight kids, it wouldn't be enough time in my book," she says. "So, to minus out the working days is really hard. But I make the most of every minute I have with them … When I'm home, we make those little spots of time really big in our memories."

Gosselin speaks to her kids directly in her new book, I Just Want You to Know, and offers them "advice for now, advice for the future and for always, kind of like a legacy." She says the children are doing well, though of course divorce is tough on any child.

"I don't think any child likes it," she says. "They still say things like, 'I wish Mommy and Daddy could be together.' They still have their same innocent love for each of us, and I appreciate that.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Dont miss Kate Gosselin this week.

Dont miss Kate Gosselin tomorrow Morning on the Today's Show on NBC talking with Meredith Vieira.

She is also rumored to be on The View with the ladies on Tuesday April 13th, although they dont have her as an upcoming guest make sure you watch for her incase.

Watch Kate Gosselin Wednesday April 14 on The Joy Behar Show on HLN at 9pm

Also, catch her on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno Thursday evening April 15th on NBC at 11:35pm.

Don't forget to make sure you pick up a copy of her new book which comes out tomorrow April 13th. Pick up Kate's latest book here on Amazon

What was Kate doing over the weekend?

Kate Gosselin and Tony Dovolani seen running to the Tanning Salon in Reading, PA on Saturday April 10th.

Kate looked decidedly unimpressed as she bolted to her waiting car, dressed in a Bonnie Hunt Show sweater and flip flops.

Kate seen running errands later that afternoon on Saturday making sure everything is in order before she heads back to LA for the show DWTS on Monday and also hanging out with the kids for some playtime.

On Sunday April 11th Jon at home taking care of the kids, so good to see. They need their Daddy to be there when Mommy has to work, I was very happy to see this.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Jane Seymour Knows What Kate Gosselin’s ‘Going Through’ on DWTS

Jane Seymour has some personal insight into the strained relationship between Kate Gosselin and her Dancing with the Stars partner, professional dancer Tony Dovolani.

“I danced with Tony. I know what she’s going through,” Seymour, 59, tells PEOPLE at the New York Gen Art festival’s premiere of her new film, Waiting for Forever.

Seymour was paired with Dovolani three years ago when she was a contestant on season five of Dancing with the Stars.

She finished in sixth place after weeks of competing despite several health and personal issues, including a bout with food poisoning and the death of her mother.

“Tony’s tough,” says Seymour. “There were a lot of tears.”

Still, Seymour stops short of picking a favorite celebrity competitor from this season saying, “I’m rooting for everyone. I just root for the show.”