Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday Morning Drop off

Friday Morning Jan. 22nd and its another school day for the kids. They look adorable in their matching outfits.


  1. wow those kids are darling. I miss seeing them on Monday nights soo badly. I feel bad for them having to get up so early, but kids are better at that than we are. I do wonder if something is up, they haven't had any bus stop pictures in a while. At least these ones don't seem like the paparazzi are in their faces.

  2. I know they are so darn cute!! Monday nights just arent the same anymore and seeing the pictures reminds me why I fell in love with this show from the beginning. I have to say I am glad they arent there so much anymore for the children but ofcourse us fans love to see them. So theres a fine line you have to walk, respecting that they are children and wanting them to have a normal life and wanting to know how they are doing, if that makes sence.
